You can now sign up for autogrio with us. Fill in the link below and follow the instructions. There are 3 different links depending on which of our properties you live in.
Accommodation at the following addresses:
Storgatan 73
Manhemsgatan 17
Fältjägarvägen 10,12,14,16,18
Fältjägarvägen 27, 29, 31, 33
Brandellsvägen 9
Seminariegatan 5,7
Lasarettsvägen 25
Storgatan 15
Älvsbackagatan 5
Fill in this link below:
Accommodation at the following addresses:
Ängesvägen 8,10
Floravägen 13,15,17,19,33,35
Floravägen 41,43,45,47
Fill in this link below:
Accommodation at the following addresses:
Odalgatan 5,6,8
Fill in this link below: